About this Hydrogen Safety Ecosystem project website
This site is offered to you by the below four regional Industrial Gases associations.
Asia Industrial Gases Association
The Asia Industrial Gases Association, AIGA, was established by the leading industrial gases producers operating in Asian countries east of Pakistan but excluding Japan, Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific nations.
Compressed Gas Association
The Compressed Gas Association is dedicated to the development and promotion of safety standards in the industrial, medical, and food gases industry in the U.S. and Canada.
European Industrial Gases Association
The European Industrial Gases Association, EIGA, is a safety and technically oriented organisation representing the vast majority of European and a number of non-European companies producing and distributing industrial, medical and food gases.
Japan Industrial and Medical Gas Association
JIMGA strives to improve and rationalize the production, distribution, and use of industrial gas and medical gas in Japan. Along with working toward securing safety and security, the organization strives accomplish a healthy development of the industrial and medical gas businesses.